Corban Beukes from Kraaifontein will perform music by Bach. PICTURE: JOAN WARD
The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra (CPO) will present three free concerts – in the Kraaifontein civic hall in Brighton Road on Saturday October 8, at 4pm; in the Dulcie September civic centre in Athlone on Sunday October 9, at 4pm, and on Sunday October 23, at the Civic Hall in Church Street, Langa, at 2pm.
All the concerts will be conducted by the CPO’s resident conductor, Brandon Phillips.
Louis Heyneman, CEO of the CPO, says the partnership with the City of Cape Town is crucial to the sustainability of orchestral music here, and each concert has been tailored to the people of the community.
In the Kraaifontein concert, Corban Beukes, 14, of Brackenfell, will perform the 1st movement of the Violin Concerto in A minor by Bach.
In Athlone, the New Apostolic Church Young People’s Choir Cape Town will perform with the CPO, and in Langa the choirs from Ikamvalethu, Isilimela, Langa and Leap high schools will sing in mass a number of works, several with soloists, that have relevance in today’s world, raising awareness about bullying and gender-based violence and Ubuntu. The choir will also perform an arrangement of the national anthem in a call and response form.
“The City is delighted that the Philharmonic Orchestra is taking its music to the masses, and showcasing local talent at the same time. This is exciting, because it speaks to so many of the pillars that the City holds dear, not least of which is inclusivity. We applaud the CPO and look forward to many more community engagements of this nature,” says Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Patricia van der Ross,
The CPO will also perform several popular cross-over works.
Entry to the concerts is free but tickets are limited and must be requested by contacting or 021 444 8850.