The doctor’ in the house ... Riaad Moosa will perform at the Jive Cape Town Funny Festival for three nights only. PICTURE: SUPPLIED
Award-winning comedian, presenter, writer and actor Riaad Moosa – who happens to be a qualified medical doctor as well – will be on stage at the Jive Cape Town Funny Festival at the Baxter Theatre for three nights only, on Sunday June 25, Tuesday June 27 and Saturday July 1.
So, to get your dose of laughter, book your tickets for the Funny Festival, from June 5 to July 2 at the Baxter, through Webtickets. Evening performances are at 8pm and Saturday and Sunday matinees at 4pm; no under-16s.
The festival, which also raises funds for non-profit organisation Operation Smile that performs free life-changing surgery for children born with cleft conditions, also offers generous discounts for group bookings. For more details, visit or call 082 450 3151.