Cikizwa Kiki Bantom with her dad, Walter Bantom.
According to the idiom, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and that is exactly what Cikizwa Kiki Bantom embodies.
She is the daughter of acclaimed writer, Walter Bantom, whose work was often published in the Readers Digest before a tragic incident at his Birmingham home left him paralysed.
“My father was a celebrated writer but after the incident he could not write again and I decided to fulfil his wishes by following in his footsteps,” said Kiki.
Migrating to London. My Dad and I, published by Tshienda Publications and launched in Khayelitsha last Saturday, is an autobiographical story of the Bantoms and their stay in London and how they have managed to cope after their return to South Africa.
Pearl Nokuzola Bantom, a nursing sister, worked in UK hospitals for more than seven years and her family was able to follow her.
It was during this time that Kiki learnt the tricks of the trade from her father.
“He took great care of his work and every time he was published, he would beam with pride for days,” she said.
The book is mostly written by Kiki but the story comes from her dad. “It’s him who is the writer but because he can no longer write, I am his instrument,” she said.
“My father can see his dream has materialised; unfortunately my mother is not here to see this because she passed away last year.’’