Tygerberg Hospital’s poison information centre has warned of the increased risk of pharmaceutical poisoning during winter. Picture: David Ritchie/ Independent Newspapers.
Winter brings with it the increased risk of drug poisoning, and parents and caregivers should take extra care, say the poison information centres for the Tygerberg and Red Cross War Memorial Children’s hospitals.
The Poison Information Helpline of the Western Cape recorded more than 12 260 patient-related calls last year, with 42% related to exposure to pharmaceutical products, according to Tygerberg Hospital.
“Over a third of these cases involved pharmaceutical poisoning in children aged 1 to 5, totalling 1 096 reported incidents.
“While poisonings occur year-round, winter's cold weather brings an increased risk of unintentional poisonings, such as medication exposures,” said the hospital’s spokesperson, Laticia Pienaar.
Carine Marks, the director of the poison information centre at Tygerberg Hospital, said it was important for parents to store medications out of reach of children after use.
“While most ingestions may not result in serious harm, there is still a risk of severe toxicity, underscoring the importance of proper storage and supervision.
“This simple practice can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure children's safety, especially during winter when cold and flu medications are commonly used,” she said.
If a child consumes a toxic dose of pharmaceuticals, caregivers can call the helpline at 0861 555 777. ...