


The Rondebosch Belmont Zone community group sold boerewors rolls at United Playcentre crèche on Friday October 4 to in support of extending the CCTV camera monitoring in the area. The children also drew pictures to thank security staff for keeping the area safe. Pictured are security guards, creche staff and representatives from Rondebosch Belmont Zone and Groote Schuur Community Improvement District.

Security guards, from left, Elvis Hlalukana, Nkululeko Ngunoa, Sikhokele Ngxacaba and Siseko Mgca with the pictures they received from the crèche children.
The United Playcentre children thanked the security guards for helping to keep their community safe
United Playcentre staff, from left, Ophelia Fortune, Brittany Hendricks, Charlene Lewin and principal Laura Marcus preparing the boerewors rolls.