VIOLENCE: Video from WhatsApp group
CAPE Flats crimefighters have raised the alarm over a social media channel aimed at sharing footage of vicious school fights across Cape Town.
The shocking channel, which has already gathered over 32 000 followers, shows children involved in violent clashes and one laaitie even fainting after being attacked.
The name of the channel, which is known to the Daily Voice, shows teens posting videos of various fights and making commentary on the outcomes. The channel also has a slogan which says: “Peace was never an option”.
Strandfontein Community Police Forum (CPF) chairperson, Sandy Schuter, says she got a skrik when she discovered the channel on WhatsApp this week.
She explains: ‘I stumbled upon a disturbing WhatsApp channel which features videos of school fights.
“I was appalled, heartbroken, and outraged by the content.
“What is equally disturbing is that this trend of violence is spreading across schools, with fights taking place both on and off school grounds.
“The fact that other students are cheering on, recording, and sharing these incidents on social media, including a channel with over 30k followers, is absolutely humiliating.”
In one of the most recent posts on the channel, a Cape Town laaities is seen collapsing after being viciously choked by another learner at his school.
In the 30-second clip the attacker is seen grabbing his victim by the neck and shouting: “Wie is jou ma se p***?”.
The victim appears to be struggling to breathe and raises his hand as he grasps for air and immediately collapses after being let go.
Western Cape Education Department (WCED) spokesperson Bronagh Hammond confirmed that the incident took place at a Cape Town school, but says the department will not release the name of the school to protect the learner.
She says: “The WCED has been made aware of the disturbing video that was distributed on a social media platform.
“The incident occurred on 23 January before the start of the school day. The school immediately took steps to address the issue. A disciplinary process was held.
“The two learners are receiving counselling support and behavioural interventions are planned.”
Hammond confirmed that they have been made aware of the WhatsApp channel and have since lodged a complaint.
She adds: “The WCED has been made aware of a WhatsApp chat group showing videos of learners fighting. This is without their permission or consent.
“The WCED has written to the Information Regulator in terms of a complaint and the non-adherence to POPIA. We have also reported the matter to the social media platform.’
She has urged anyone who is aware of such content online to report the sender or group immediately and delete the image.
Hammond warns: “Reposting images or distributing them further makes one part of the indecent act.
“The continued humiliation of a victim on social media perpetuates the hurt and pain caused.
“Again, parents are advised to have conversations with their children on positive values, showing kindness and empathy towards those in need, as well as, the dangers of social media.”
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