A driver belonging to the Cape Organisation for the Democratic Taxi Association (Codeta) is in trouble following threats he made to a passenger who boarded his taxi from Mfuleni to Strand last week.
Anele Ligunya posted on social media that a driver had threatened to rape her and slash her with a panga because she was a lesbian.
Ms Ligunya said what perturbed her the most was that fellow taximen laughed at the man's comments as if it was a joke. "I was terrified because he even said he would find me."
Khayelitsha-based activist and founder of the Free Gendre organisation, Funeka Soldaat, immediately sought a meeting with taxi bosses at the Kuwait Site C Codeta headquarters on Monday to report the matter.
"We were welcomed in a cordial manner and leadership promised to investigate and deal with this matter as a matter of urgency. They stated that they are against any form of discrimination and viewed this threat in serious manner," said Ms Soldaat.
Codeta leader Chief Vincent Mtati said they were disgusted to hear about this and have contacted their Mfuleni offices to arrange an immediate meeting to discuss the matter.
"We want to give the driver a chance to state his story. I don't want to prejudice his case but we will take action. Rape is a scourge in our society and such statements give our industry a bad name," said Mr Mtati.
Mr Mtati said the meeting will be held tonight.
Activist Funeka Soldaat, in brown shirt, visited the Codeta offices to lay a complaint against a driver and was welcomed by Chief Mtati who promised to take swift action.
Image: Vukile Sonandzi