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Johannesburg - The Department of Education in KwaZulu-Natal has warned schools not to discriminate against teachers, learners and school staff based on their religion.
It is alleged that some learners were not allowed to enter the school promises due to their religion.
The departmental spokesperson, Muzi Mahlambi, has urged school principals to adhere to the circular that the department released regarding policy on religion and education.
The Inkatha Freedom Party KZN has also raised concerns on religion issues and requested the department to swiftly intervene by calling an urgent parents’ meeting, together with leaders of the Shembe Church, to diffuse tensions.
This comes after allegations that learners who belong to the Shembe Church and attend Esizibeni Sivananda Vaswani Comprehensive High School in Amanzimtoti were instructed by the School principal to trim their hair.
"The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, belief and opinion, and, in turn, prohibits unfair discrimination based on religion.
"We cannot allow schools or teachers to discriminate against learners due to their beliefs. In a diverse society like ours, institutions like schools have a special duty to accommodate the religious and cultural beliefs and practices of learners and employees," IFP said.
It further called on the Human Rights Commission to urgently investigate the matter at Esizibeni Sivananda Vaswani Comprehensive High school in Amanzimtoti and ensure that the rights of all learners are being respected, and protected.
Some policies on the national policy circular on religion and education included:
- The South African Schools Act (Act 94 of 1996) upholds the constitutional rights of all citizens to freedom of conscience, thought, belief and opinion, and freedom from unfair discrimination on any grounds whatsoever, including religion, culture, language and gender in public education institutions.
- Owing to issues of discrimination raised by parents and Leadership of the Nazareth Baptist Church and of the Nazareth Church of God as discussed with the Commission for Promotion and Protection of the Rights ofCultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities and the Department of Education ni KZN at UMkhanyakude, the Department saw ti fitting to remind al officials of the Department, especially at institutional level, to implement the National Policy on Religion and Education.
- School Governing Bodies are therefore requested to review the Codes of conduct for Learners and other related policies to make certain that the provisions thereof do not in any way discriminate against learners in public schools on the basis of religion, culture and language.
- Principals of schools must create platforms where all educators and learners are apprised on issues of diversity in religion in line with the South African Constitution. The Principals are also urged to bring to the attention of all educators the contents of the National Policy on Religion and Education which has been attached for ease of reference. Disciplinary actions will be taken against any official of the Department who fails to comply with all legislation and policies referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
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