Young and old attended the 5km fun walk against substance abuse in Nyanga, last Saturday.
Nyanga must have zero tolerance for drug and alcohol abuse among the youth as it poses a serious threat to the community.
This was the key message during a 5km anti-substance abuse fun walk held in the neighbourhood on Saturday.
It was organised by Nyanga Men Empowerment, a community-outreach non-profit organisation, along with the Nyanga Healthy Lifestyle Club, ward councillor Sandile Martin and the Nyanga Local Football Association.
Nyanga Men Empowerment chairperson Xolane Feni warned that children were wandering the area under the influence of drugs, and he said the community should unite to stop substance abuse.
“Drugs seemed to conquer our young people’s minds. We saw a high increase in drug and alcohol users, especially young people. They have become a problem now. We have seen a need to have a campaign to educate through the fun walk and sport not only young people but all those who are on drugs.
"We want our community to promote zero tolerance of substance abuse. That is why we have to collaborate with sports people and police as well to deal with the challenge. We felt we cannot allow Nyanga to be a drug den and a community with druggies. So we do this to make them aware of the danger and how it affects our community and their health."
Mr Martin said drug dealers were preying on children, but he added that he was impressed with the community’s efforts to confront the problem, and he praised the organisers of the fun walk.
He encouraged Nyanga Men Empowerment to keep on tackling social ills.
“What touches me is that they are not pointing fingers at certain individuals or waiting for the councillor for things they see in front of them. This is what we need, active citizenry. I am proud of this ward for taking the initiative on wrong things in this area.”
A fun walk should be held each month to raise more awareness of healthy living, he said.
“I support a healthy living lifestyle. People should exercise. We need an active country.”