Noluthando Khotseng with her newly published book.
What started out as a love of reading and writing personal notes has propelled Noluthando Khotseng from Gugulethu to pen down her very first book titled Life and Choices.
The 46-year-old mother of two developed a love of writing and reading around 2015. Whenever she read something she would jot notes down.
In 2021 while the country was still under Covid-19 lockdown, she decided to delve deeper into her love of reading and writing - and started putting together the notes which she had written.
She said the book is centered around life choices, guidance and the importance of making informed decisions.
Decision-making is a skill which one needs to master to achieve one’s dreams and aspirations, she said.
She said almost every chapter has a quote from the Bible which brings some sense of significance onto that chapter.
“We become better at decision-making and make significant decisions regularly because I believe that’s the only way to bring out the leader within.
“I believe that in order to make a significant decision one needs to create a solid foundation and this book will help you to build that foundation.
“I believe that this book will help you in making bold decisions and then push you into the direction in making those decisions.
“I firmly believe that one thing that truly differentiates the ultra -successful and less successful people could be described in just one single word and that is decision making,” she said.
Like many other writers, she said, she used her own life experiences and testimonies to bring the stories in the book into life.
While she was nervous about taking on the project as she knew nothing about publishing, she said, her mother had encouraged her to keep writing and to look for people who could help her.
If you’d like a copy of the book, contact Noluthando Khotseng at 076 278 6869