Pamela Kaptein from the Gift of the Givers Foundation had her hands full distributing food parcels.
Driven by their passion and love for people, members of the Formed Presbyterian Community Church in Africa partnered with the humanitarian organisation, Gift of the Givers Foundation to distribute more than 100 food parcels to needy families of Makhaza in Khayelitsha last week.
The church said it had seen how many families were struggling to make ends meet and decided to make a call to the Gift of the Givers.
Church moderator Anele Nkothobe said their community church aimed to ensure that people were happy - both mentality and spiritually and announced that it planned to start a soup kitchen in Makhaza.
“We are a community church so we are compelled to feed not only the souls but the stomachs as well. We have a commitment to provide support to those in need of help even if they are not church members. People are starving and we cannot fold our arms and watch them (go hungry),” he said.
“Our aim is to continue seeking help for people. This is not only in Khayelitsha but countrywide. We are not doing this to lure people but to see to it that people are fed and go to bed with something in the stomach,” Mr Nkothobe said, calling on big companies to join in their effors to help the needy.
Beneficiary, Megine Xhobileyo, who was grateful for the food parcel, said she was living on a social grant which was not enough. “I am excited to be part of the beneficiaries. For this month there will be a big difference,” she said.
Gift of the Givers’ representative, Ali Sablay, said the foundation was committed to helping those in need.
“We were told that many people were taking medicine on empty stomachs. We then decided to give them groceries that will last them for a month. We will see how to deal with them going forward but I can confirm that plans are afoot (to set up a soup kitchen). Today, along with the church, we made sure they received the help they needed,” he said.