Pupils from five primary schools took part in a reading festival and competition at Philippi East library.
Weltevreden Valley Core Primary School took first place in a reading festival and competition held at the Philippi East library.
The competition, on Thursday August 15, had both Xhosa and English categories, and five schools took part. They were able to send two pupils to compete in each category.
KwaFaku Primary School came second and Samora Machel Primary School came third.
The pupils were given a passage from a story to read in front of teachers and parents in the library hall and were scored by a panel of judges.
All the participants were given medals for taking part, and the top-three pupils received certificates and goodie bags.
"The aim of the festival is to foster a love for reading among young learners and to celebrate their achievements in literacy. We are happy to host them and see them going forward," said senior librarian Ayanda Qagana, adding that the competition gave the pupils a chance to read in front of others.
Weltevreden Valley Core Primary School teacher Thembisa Maqeda said: “I am excited and over the moon for this win. Our kids have made the school proud. But I have to say, all the children here showed character.
“We won not because other schools were not good but because we have better technicalities that took us through. Thanks to the teachers, the organisers of the event and parents that came to witness and see the progress of their children.”
Portia Nyokana-Maliwa, a librarian from the Weltevreden library, said more than a third of the children in the community read like they sang.
“They do not read to understand. If you ask a question after reading, they will not remember. So this is one of the initiatives to encourage kids to read.”