Phiri Cawe
Who in his right mind would wake up one morning and decide to stone a bus full of young soccer players?
Sies niyonyaniso (disgusting).
I just can't stomach how inhumane some people are. Why is it when we protest for service delivery, buses are among the first target?
Asinangqondo. Kukungabhadli ukucinga ukuba uGolden Arrows uneempendulo ngezindlu nezinye iinkonzo zasekuhlaleni.
Why do we think closing off and digging up roads would bring about instant service delivery?
Only fools think that those who own cars should be stoned when there are service delivery protests. I am writing this after I saw the pictures of the Cape Town Spurs football club bus that was stoned in Philippi. This bus, which was full of children, picks up young soccer enthusiasts from townships all around the city, every day. In that bus could be my child, your child, your brother, nephew, friend, or neighbour.
The incident did not only show how foolish people could be but also shows how communities have allowed thuggery to continue.
When a fool, who has made it his job to rob other people of a great future decides to stone our children we must not keep quiet.
Township residents have a history of stoning cars and buses whenever they protest. The problem starts right there. Maybe we need to start pointing fingers at those who call themselves activists. Sometimes these so-called activists are nothing less than vandals. These are people who think that to get something, you have to destroy something. They are people who are unable to negotiate with those in power.
These are chance takers who are hungry for power but don’t do any better when they have power. I have been to meetings where they incite violence. I have received messages from them about how they are going to burn tyres and close the N2 and other roads. That has become the culture. But someone needs to tell them that violence is not the answer..
One of the reasons that Golden Arrows' buses have been targetrf is that people start by saying "it is a white man's property" so ungenaphi. That is stupidity that should not be entertained. Inside those buses are children, family men and women who are off to work for their families, children who seek education somewhere and others who want to live a better life. And whether those buses are driven by black or white people should not matter.
We have so much to worry about, we really shouldn’t also have to worry about stupid people who are intent on hurting others. With the threat of a third wave of Covid-19 infections, and gender-based violence ravaging the townships, there are other more important issues our energy should be spent on.
Not even animals behave the way you do. Your behaviour stinks. Rha uyonyanyisa.
Those who stoned that Cape Town FC bus should be ashamed of themselves. We can only be thankful that no one was injured.
To those responsible for such acts of vandalism, let me assure you that no matter how many roads you dig up, how many fires you light or how many buses, schools, halls or libraries you torch, these acts will not bring you a better life.
You will not have the house you think you are fighting for. This kind of behaviour will not bring about the change you want in your life, or relieve your frustrations that you’re taking out on other people.