Blue letter
MG Bongo
Phiri Cawe’s opinion piece in the Vukani of Thursday March 25 paints a sad and painful picture of a society that is sick to the core.
Ewe kulungile ukuqhankqalaza kuba umgaqo weli uyazivumela izimvo zaye wonke umntu. But that does mean that one's action should impact the next person negatively.
I know that nobody absolutely nobody, denies that this country's laws are heavily loaded against umntu oMnyama where ever he/she is since day one when white people sat foot on the continent.
The 1994 deal was a smoke screen to lull and promise the Black/Afrikan man and woman into a deep sleep of a new rainbow nation that will see and bask forever in the ficticious country that only Hollywood would offer, and benefit them via the west.
It was never meant for me and you, but abo bakhethiweyo. Who we foolishly vote into power every 5 years, bahle de bagugele kula palamente yabo. Sinelungelo negunya lokulwela amalungelo ethu, kanti nomsindo simele ukuba nawo, kodwa funeka siwulawule ungachaphazeli abantu abafana nqwa nawe kulwamvila le ngcinezelo.
That which they possess has come through blood a sweat. Wonke umntu uyalazi apho lukhoyo ulwamvila. Masibhekiseni umsindo wethu khona bantakwethu nodade for now your strategy is utterly wrong. You and me are in the same garbage tank - pressure cooker ndlela le siphekwa kuyo elowo nalowo uthyalela ukuphuma kuqala elo xesha isiciko siqanyangelwe vingci ngumbodamo ukuya entla.
Each one wants to save his/her skin only but we are all in hell because we fail to understand and grasp the sense of UNITY, RESPECT and the value of LOVING each other than destroying, and debasing one another.
The little power we have over others is a total abuse of those we think are lower and weaker than us.
Bubunjubaqa ukukhululusa abesifazana batyatyulwe imizimba olahlobo esidlangalaleni, ndiqinisekile ngeke uyamnkele kowakho umntwana lo nto.
Ndingatsho ukuthi le yokuxuluba ibhasi igcwele abantwana who are trying their best a better life for themselves and their families nguMONA , Nokudobelela inkqubela yabantu abaMnyama. Period.